
Allan Hawco shirtless on 'Caught' - S01E01 - GIFs

Allan Hawco naked in 'Frontier' - S02E05

Matt Barr's armpits

Matt Barr shirtless in 'The Layover' - GIFs

Matt Barr fucking in 'The Layover'

Matt Barr shirtless on Hellcats - S01E05

Niall Matter shirtless in 'Eureka' - S05E05

Kayne Lawton's armpits

Sam Cushing shirtless on Instagram - 27.09.2020

Callum Kerr shirtless on TikTok

Luke Guldan by Lisa Mandel for - Part 3

Miguel Ángel Silvestre and Alfonso Herrera shirtless in 'Sense8' - S01E02

Alexey Vorobyov shirtless in 'UnReal' - S03E02

Ethan Browne and Rob Kipa-Williams shirtless in 'Home And Away' - 14.09.2020

Irving Peña for Editorial

Robbie Amell shirtless in 'The Babysitter: Killer Queen' - Part 1

Alejandro Speitzer fucking in 'Oscuro Deseo' - S01E11

Daniel Needs shirtless GIFs

Luke Guldan by Lisa Mandel for - Part 2

Sean Keenan naked in 'Wake In Fright' - S01E01

Luke Guldan by Lisa Mandel for - Part 1

Gavin Houston and Brock Yurich in 'The Haves And The Have Nots' - S07E12

Jonathan Chase fucking and in a towel on 'Chemistry'

Alex Dimitriades and Sean Keenan naked in 'Wake In Fright' - S01E01

Pelle Holmström shirtless on 'The Partisan' - S01E03

Connor Trott shirtless on 'Love Island US' - S02E08

Mitch Morris and Jonathan Chase fucking in 'Another Gay Movie'

Ron Melendez and Jonathan Chase fucking in 'Chemistry' - S01E12

Eyal Booker in the nude on 'MTV Cribs'

Eyal Booker naked on an Instagram story

Adrian Gonzalez shirtless in 'August'

Can Yaman shirtless on 'Mr Wrong' (aka Bay Yanlış) - S01E05

Guillaume Labbé naked in 'Voyez Comme On Danse'

GAA Hunks - Eoin Cadogan

Irving Peña by Abel Anaya - Part 2

Irving Peña by Abel Anaya - Part 1